Smite Wiki
Arcane Chest
TreasureRoll MagicBook
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: August 24, 2016

The Arcane Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Arcane chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed.

Exclusive[ | ]

Gemini Agni Ice Mage Agni Infinite Duality Agni Necro Fumes Agni Shell Shock Agni AP-15 Ah Puch Chilling Grasp Ah Puch Freaky Tiki Ah Puch Horrific Harvester Ah Puch Infinite Seer Ah Puch Nutcromancer Ah Puch Saurian Conjurer Ah Puch Shadow Spirit Ah Puch Adjudicator Anubis Cosmic Power Anubis Cryptid Death Anubis Death Dragon Anubis Freedom Retriever Anubis House Jackal Anubis Jackal Knight Anubis K-9 Anubis Primordial Punisher Anubis Senko Sage Anubis Admiral Ao Kuang Clockwork Knight Ao Kuang Cursed Bloodline Ao Kuang Sand Viper Ao Kuang The Chosen Dragon Ao Kuang Aphra Cadabra Aphrodite Beach Babe Aphrodite Bunny Bomber Aphrodite Burning Desire Aphrodite Groovy Aphrodite Honey Bee Aphrodite Ice Queen Aphrodite Oasis Djinn Aphrodite Temptress Aphrodite Venus Aphrodite Emperi-Mental Baba Yaga Gingerdread Baba Yaga The Elder Djinn Baba Yaga Count Baron Samedi Devilish Charm Baron Samedi Half-Life Baron Samedi Halloween Hysteria Baron Samedi Countess Chang'e House Unicorn Chang'e Lunar Tango Chang'e Moonlight Love Chang'e Pirate Admiral Chang'e Pirate Queen Chang'e Spellbound Chang'e Father Time Chronos Illuminator Chronos Super Chronos 64 Chronos April Showers Discordia Bad Apple Discordia Deadly Dinner Discordia Dragon Keeper Discordia Lunar Moth Discordia Oblivion Queen Discordia Pixel Chaos Discordia Pumpkin Spice Discordia Celestial Eset Crystal Fae Eset Midnight Raven Eset Razor's Edge Eset The Maiden Eset All for One! Freya Get Served Freya Lady of the Lake Freya Neon Pulse Freya Ordo Aurora Freya Pixel Buster Freya Witching Hour Freya Chilling Wraith Hades Cursed Pharaoh Hades Doom Bot Hades Grim Wraith Hades Heebee Chibi Hades Plague Lord Hades The Leigon Hades Infinity Wave He Bo Lord of the Amazon He Bo Molten He Bo Pixel Rush He Bo The Sydney Shredder He Bo Toxic Tide He Bo Dual Tech Hel Jingle Hel Hel Order and Chaos Hel Shadow Speaker Hel Battle Queen Hera Gambit Queen Hera Iron Conqueror Hera Lilac Bloom Hera Mecha Empress Hera Power-Up Hera Ragnarok Hera BA5S Drop Janus Death's Door Janus Presidential Punisher Janus Warp Tech Janus Worldwalker Janus Bone Wraith Kukulkan Breezy Chibi Kukulkan Danger Noodle Kukulkan Dragon Doggo Kukulkan Kuku Kukulkan Kuku Puffs Kukulkan Polar Vortex Kukulkan Quetzakukulkan Kukulkan Sir Pentsworth IV, Esq Tornado Tech Kukulkan Cybershadow Merlin Fun Guy Merlin Wise Wizard Merlin Crimson Magus Morgan Le Fay Summer Eclipse Morgan Le Fay Blood Moon Nox BunBun Nox Depths of Atlantis Nox Dragon Priestess Nox Electric Dream Nox Galaxy Shaper Nox Heartbreaker Nox Lady Liberty Nox Queen Bee Nox Ace Nu Wa Aurum Nu Wa Battle Mother Nu Wa Challenger Nu Wa Crystalline Chaos Nu Wa Empress Nu Wa Fairy Dust Nu Wa Mystic Enchantress Nu Wa Nice and Naughty Nu Wa Nu Horizons Nu Wa Oktoberfest Nu Wa Old Wa Nu Wa Playful Bunny Nu Wa Interstellar Olorun Merciless Monarch Olorun Cute Cultivator Persephone Geomancer Persephone Malware Monarch Persephone NecRomancer Persephone Oblivion Ruler Persephone Crimson Kraken Poseidon Freedom Overload Poseidon King of the Deep Poseidon Infinite Wave Poseidon Riptide Poseidon Sunken Sorcerer Poseidon Vapor Wave Poseidon Beamy Chibi Ra Eldritch Ra Mystic Magus Ra Phoenix Ra Plague Purger Ra Ra'merica Ra Radiant Archon Ra Sniper Tech Ra Sun Bass Demon Raijin Drums Out Raijin Plushie Raijin Warchief Raijin Child's Play Scylla Dragon Queen Scylla Godscylla Scylla Lil' Red Scylla Living Death Scylla Mystical Monster Scylla Prototype Scylla Snow Day Scylla Steel Alchemist Scylla Terror of the Deep Scylla Cherrybomb Sol Cosmic Sol Fallen Star Sol Meltdown Sol Searing Seductress Sol Spell Slinger Sol Sweet Tooth Sol Sweetie Pie Sol The Magnificent Sol Charm Caster The Morrigan Doomsayer Sensei The Morrigan Rav3n The Morrigan Soothsayer The Morrigan SPF 666 The Morrigan Twisted Metal The Morrigan Beaky Bot Thoth Beaky Chibi Thoth Book of Nightmares Thoth Geek Beak Thoth Extraterrestrial Tiamat Plushie Tiamat The Magic Dragon Tiamat Badlands Vulcan Bit Builder Vulcan Cannon Crusader Vulcan Full Metal Vulcan Galaxy Forger Vulcan Hammerhead Vulcan Space Cadet Vulcan Vulcap'n Redbeard Vulcan Warmaker Vulcan House Dragon Yu Huang Heaven's Rave Zeus High Voltage Zeus Infernal Lord Zeus Omniscient Oracle Zeus Sky Tech Zeus Uncle Zeus Demon Catcher Zhong Kui Neith's Biggest Fan Zhong Kui Nekomancer Zhong Kui Stitched Horror Zhong Kui

Additional[ | ]

Stitched Creation Agni Swagni Agni Volcanic Angi Galactic Invader Ah Puch Malware Master Ah Puch Gravehound Anubis Stargazer Anubis Afro-dite Aphrodite Diva Aphrodite Illuminator Baron Samedi Enchanted Chang'e Hunter's Moon Chang'e Lunar Explorer Chang'e Sun's Bride Chang'e Cultus Chronos Fallen Lord Chronos Clockwork Chaos Discordia Lady of the Sea Discordia Star Sentry Eset Scarlet Coven Eset Frost Maiden Freya Classic Hades Soul Taker Hades He Bro He Bo Rocky Road He Bo Expelled Hel Pop Punk Hel Solstice Hel Jandroid Janus Riftshaker Janus Sacred Dragon Kukulkan Demon's Bane Merlin Master of Light Merlin Madame Darkness Nox Mystical Manipulator Nox Caustic Skies Nu Wa Cove Queen Nu Wa Dark Summoner Nu Wa Afrofuture Olorun Moon Seer Olorun Shadow Bloom Persephone Dread Beard Poseidon Snow Strix Ra Solar Sentinel Ra Unholy Doodle Ra Devil Horns Raijin Daisy Despair Scylla Vizier Thoth Chef Vulcan Necro Alchemist Vulcan Sentry Vulcan Almighty Zeus Prince of Lightning Zeus Stormbringer Zeus Zappy Chibi Zeus G.I

See Also[ | ]
