Smite Wiki
Ares Collection Chest
TreasureRoll Ares Chest
Cost: 500 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: June 13, 2023

The Ares Collection Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Ares Collection Chest has a chance of unlocking an Ares skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

Exclusive[ | ]

Abyssal Knight Ares Bit Battler Ares Crimson Steel Ares Fernando Ares Hired Gun Ares Oni Guardian Ares Primal Steel Ares SWC 2015 Ares Soldier of Fortune Ares Spectral Sword Ares

Additional[ | ]

Chilling Hersir Ares Shackled Souls Ares Star Tyrant Ares
