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Baron Samedi
T BaronSamediS2 Default
Title: God of Life and Death
Pantheon: NewUI Pantheon2 Voodoo Voodoo
Type: {{{types}}}[[Category:{{{types}}} gods]]
Roles: S2 Role Mid Mid
S2 Role Support Support
Pros: {{{pros}}}
Difficulty: {{{difficulty}}}
Release date:
Favor: 5500 Favor
Diamonds: {{{diamonds}}} Diamonds
Voicelines: Baron Samedi (SMITE 2) voicelines
Voice actor:
Health: 591.8 (+92.62)
Mana: 296 (+42)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: {{{range}}} (+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.97 (+1.46%)
Physical: 19 (+3)
Magical: 26.7 (+1.46)
HP/Sec: 1.7 (+0.2)
MP/Sec: 2.34 (+0.26)
*Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level

Baron Samedi is one of the playable Gods in SMITE 2.


Death. If you think that it means the end, then allow me to introduce you to someone.

You thought it was all over, but Baron Samedi is going to change your mind. The only fire here is in the water, so share a drink with him. Let the sights and sounds entrance you. Join the celebration, feel your pulse pounding so hard you've forgotten your heart stopped beating.

Forget what you think you know. There is a life after death, and Baron Samedi will be your guide. So come along and let Baron Samedi show you the wonders of a whole new world, and that even a god of death can be the life of the party.

After all, what have you got to lose?


Basic Attack - Baron Samedi Basic Attack
Fire a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit. Notes:
 Bullet Projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls.
 Bullet Range: 8.8 meters  Bullet Radius: 0.48 meters
 Bullet Damage Scaling: 100% Strength or Inhand Power and 20% Intelligence

Ability Video

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Passive - Hysteria
Damage applies Hysteria, granting Baron Samedi's abilities bonus effects when enough is applied. His team can also purchase Baron's Brew from the item store. Gods at Max Hysteria [70] deal 20% Reduced Damage to Baron Samedi. Baron's Brew can be thrown at enemies to apply Magical Damage and Hysteria Ra gains Movement Speed. This buff stacks up to 3 times. Notes:
 Bullet Hysteria drains at the rate of 2/s. This drain stops on the target for 5s when Baron Samedi applies Hysteria to them.

Ability Video

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1st Ability - Vivid Gaze
Baron Samedi summons skulls that deal 85 [70% Intelligence] Magical Damage in an X shape. Deals 25% Magical Damage to enemies hit by the overlap. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria applies a 20% [5% Physical Protection and 5% Magical Protection] Strength, Intelligence, and Attack Speed Reduction buff. Notes:
 Bullet Vivid Gaze will trigger its Hysteria effect if its own damage brings targets above the Hysteria Threshold.
 Bullet Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 11 seconds
 Bullet Range: 9.6 meters  Bullet Radius: 1.28 meters
 Bullet Damage: 85/145/205/265/325  Bullet Damage Scaling: 70% Intelligence
 Bullet Power Reduction: 20%  Bullet % Reduction Scaling: 5% Protections
 Bullet Debuff Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds  Bullet Hysteria Applied Per Hit: 15

Ability Video

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2nd Ability - Consign Spirit
Baron Samedi calls spirits that deal 65 [80% Intelligence] Magical Damage to enemies in an area. Hitting a god Heals nearby allies for 30 +2% [10% Cooldown Rate] Missing Health. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria makes the heal apply a 25% Speed Buff and Slow Immunity. Notes:
 Bullet Allies within 8.8m of Baron Samedi of the center of Consign Spirits will receive the heal.
 Bullet Cost: 60 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 14 seconds
 Bullet Range: 8.8m  Bullet Radius: 2.88m
 Bullet Damage: 65/125/185/245/305  Bullet Damage Scaling: 80% Intelligence
 Bullet Heal: 30/55/80/105/130  Bullet Heal: 2% Missing Health
 Bullet Movement Speed: 25%  Bullet Hysteria Applied Per Hit: 20
 Bullet Slow Duration: 3 seconds

Ability Video

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3rd Ability - Wrap It Up
Baron Samedi throws a snake that constricts enemy gods, Slowing them to a Root. Constricted gods take 70 [50% Intelligence] Magical Damage over 1.75s. Minions take a tick of Magical Damage when the snake passes through them. Hitting a god above 30 Hysteria causes the snake to explode when it Roots, applying a Mesmerize to nearby enemies. Notes:
 Bullet Enemies must be at or above 30 Hysteria when Wrap It Up hits to trigger its Hysteria effect.
 Bullet The snake deals damage every 0.4375s, for a total of 5 ticks.
 Bullet Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 16 seconds
 Bullet Range: 9.6 meters  Bullet Radius: 0.8 meters
 Bullet Damage: 70/125/180/235/290  Bullet Damage Scaling: 50% Intelligence
 Bullet Slow Duration: 1.75 seconds  Bullet Root Duration: 0.75 seconds
 Bullet Mesmerize Duration: 1.5 seconds  Bullet Hysteria Applied Per Hit: 5
 Bullet Hysteria Applied on Explosion: 25

Ability Video

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Ultimate - Life of the Party
Baron Samedi opens a coffin that Vortexes enemies towards Baron Samedi. Gods Vortexed into the Coffin take 125 [55% Intelligence] + 10% Max Health [2% Physical Protection and Magical Protection] Magical Damage and are Stunned. The Vortex deals 15 [7% Intelligence] Magical Damage every 0.5s. God above 30 Hysteria are Vortexed with more intensity. Notes:
 Bullet Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 110 seconds
 Bullet Range: 6 meters  Bullet Cone Angle: 120 degrees
 Bullet Vortex Damage: 15/20/25/30/35  Bullet Vortex Scaling: 7% Intelligence
 Bullet Slam Damage: 125/210/295/380/475  Bullet Slam Scaling: 55% Intelligence
 Bullet Slam Health Damage: 10%  Bullet % Health Scaling: 2.5% Physical Protection or Magical Protection
 Bullet Stun Duration: 1.3 seconds  Bullet Hysteria Applied Per Tick/On Slam: 2 (Tick)/ 30(Slam)

Ability Video

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Achievement Temp
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Achievement Temp
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Baron Samedi
Baron Samedi Skin card Release Date
Type Standard
Cost Free
Voicelines Baron Samedi voicelines
In Game Model
Extra Information

Nano-Mancer Skin card Release Date
Type Exclusive
Cost 400 Gems
Voicelines Nano-Mancer Baron Samedi voicelines
In Game Model
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Gingersnap Skin card Release Date
Type Exclusive
Cost 400 Gems
Voicelines Gingersnap Baron Samedi voicelines
In Game Model
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