PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your damaging abilities take an additional 160 Physical Damage over 2s. Enemy gods take an additional 10% of their Current Health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Active Cooldown:
Passive Cooldown:
Bluestone Brooch
1500 (2150)
+30 Physical Power +150 Health +30 HP5 +30 MP5
Passive Effect
PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your damaging abilities take an additional 160 Physical Damage over 2s. Enemy gods take an additional 10% of their Current Health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
The damage from this item is only applied once per ability.
The damage is dealt 40 (+2.5% of their current health to gods) (20 +1.25% of current hp up to 80 +5% of current hp damage to gods within 3s) every 0.5s as Physical Damage per tick.