Smite Wiki
Chaotic Chest
T Chaotic Chest
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: June 13, 2023

The Chaotic Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Chaotic Chest has a chance of unlocking a skin or an exclusive skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

Exclusive[ | ]

Adventurer's Guild Bastet Aphra Cadabra Aphrodite Arachnoid Arachne Ba5s Drop Janus Barbarian Thor Baroness Izanami Belly Ache Ymir Biohacker Chernobog Blobchus Bacchus Calavera Skadi Carnival Queen Neith Celestial Eset Chaacolate Chaac Cherrybomb Sol Code Breaker Osiris Cosmic Power Anubis Crystal Gaze Medusa Cyberfox Da Ji Data Dealer Da Ji Defiant Bellona Depths of Atlantis Nox Don Zaburou Danzaburou Dragon Keeper Discordia Dreadful Doll Izanami Dropkick Terra Drums Out Raijin Drunkyard Bacchus Electric Buzz Ah Muzen Cab Experi-Mental Baba Yaga Fat Loki Cabrakan Feaster Bunny Bakasura Feline Fashion Awilix Finrawr Fenrir Fire Lord Ne Zha Foxy Amaterasu Data Dealer Da Ji Fun-pocalypse Ullr Fun-pocalypse Hachiman Fun-Pocalypse Da Ji Fun-Pocalypse Xbalanque Gadget Goblin Cupid Galaxy Shaper Nox Get Served Freya Grim Mariachi Loki Grim Weaver Arachne Gummy Worm Medusa Guttersniper Cupid Hail to the King Tyr Half-life Baron Samedi Heatsink Pele High Voltage Zeus Hoot 'N Holler Bacchus Hun Hunkules Hercules Idusa Medusa Interstellar Olorun Inu Gami Fenrir Irezumir Ymir Jack the Reaper Thanatos Jurassic Camazotz Kitty Kaboom Serqet Knight of Storms Susano La Roca Hercules Land Shark Sobek Loki Charms Loki Lunar Tango Chang'e M.O.U.S.E Mastermind Yemoja Midnight Glamour Neith Midnight Raven Eset Mighty Mage Cupid Miss Diagnosis Neith Neon Rebellion Rama Nerd Rage Cabrakan Nice and Naughty Nu Wa Nutcromancer Ah Puch Oasis Djinn Aphrodite Oblivion Ruler Persephone Omni Tech Odin Paintballer Jing Wei Pixel Buster Freya Pixel Chaos Discordia Pixel Lancer Skadi Pixel Rush He Bo Piñata Party Kumbhakarna Plague Lord Hades Playful Bunny Nu Wa Plushie Artio Plushie Jormungandr Polar Vortex Kukulkan Pot O'Gold Fafnir Powerserge Awilix Primal Huntress Artemis Primal Storm Susano Princess Sleepyhead Kumbhakarna Prototype Scylla Ragnatoskr Ratatoskr Rav3n The Morrigan Raven King Chernobog Road Rebel Hercules Rock from Bisrakh Ravana Rocket Punch Mercury Rogue Android Izanami Run Safe Breaker Kali Senpai Slayer Serqet Skaliwag Kali Sky Tech Zeus Snowman Geb Soldier of Fortune Ares Soothsayer The Morrigan Soul Piercer Achilles Spell Slinger Sol Spooky Dreams Kumbhakarna Spooky Nightmares Cupid Star Eater Khepri Sun Super Chronos 64 Chronos The King Bacchus The Mighty Storm Jormungandr Tornado Tech Kukulkan Twisted Metal The Morrigan Unichrome Set Vapor Wave Poseidon Vulcap'n Redbeard Vulcan Wasteland Cu Chulainn Wildstyle Pele Wildstyle Mulan Wolfman Fenrir World Tour Nemesis Wreck the Halls Fenrir

Additional[ | ]

Bit Slayer Tsukuyomi Brynhilder Bacchus Chef Vulcan Classic Hades Cyberpunk Ne Zha Dreadbeard Poseidon Galactic Invader Ah Puch Heavy Metal Thor Kawaii Pop Bastet Infiltrator Loki Lil' Mana Vamana Lunar Explorer Chang'e Mini Metal Jing Wei Ravin' Ravana Reaper Tech Thanatos Renegade Awilix Rocky Road He Bo Scarlet Coven Eset Shin-bo Kuzenbo Stargazer Anubis Siege Engine Xing Tian Stormbringer Zeus Swagni Agni The G.O.A.T Unholy Doodle Ra Wrangler Artemis

See Also[ | ]
