Smite Wiki
Cheerful Chest
TreasureRoll Cheerful
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: December 26, 2020

The Cheerful Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Cheerful Chest has a chance of unlocking a skin or an exclusive skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

Exclusive[ | ]

Candy Shop Achilles Gemini Agni Freaky Tiki Ah Puch Nutcromancer Ah Puch Sun Kissed Amaterasu Freedom Retriever Anubis Senko Sage Anubis Admiral Ao Kuang The Chosen Dragon Ao Kuang Beach Babe Aphrodite Burning Desire Aphrodite Crimson Steel Ares Oni Huntress Artemis Demon Scourge Athena Mystic Guardian Athena Feline Fashion Awilix The Elder Djinn Baba Yaga Hoot 'n Holler Bacchus The King Bacchus Adventurer's Guild Bastet Radiant Heroine Bellona Rock-a-Bellona Bellona Jurassic Camazotz Pup Patrol Cerberus Pixel Beast Cernunnos Lunar Tango Chang'e Pirate Queen Chang'e Prototype 2 Fabulous Chiron Shining Chivalry Chiron Slay Bells Chiron Father Time Chronos Intruder Bot Cupid Lucky Baby Fuwa Cupid Trick or Treat Cupid Devil Punk Da Ji Sugar and Slice Da Ji Pixel Chaos Discordia Celestial Eset Midnight Raven Eset Wreck The Halls Fenrir All For One! Freya Pixel Buster Freya Witching Hour Freya Flourescent Friend Ganesha Snowman Geb Divine Wind Gilgamesh Pixel Rush He Bo Lord Bifrost Heimdallr Valhalla Vice Heimdallr Jingle Hel Hel Gambit Queen Hera Seraph Horus Heaven's Arrow Hou Yi Sylvan Sentinel Hou Yi Baroness Izanami Warp Tech Janus Paintballer Jing Wei The Mighty Storm Jormungandr Trophy Hunter Kali Confectionary Khepri Hug Bug Khepri Tornado Tech Kukulkan Crime Boss Kuzenbo Grim Mariachi Loki The Trickster Loki Crystal Gaze Medusa Shonen Spark Mercury Cybershadow Merlin Mysterious Warrior Mulan Galaxy Maverick Ne Zha Playmaker Ne Zha Basscannon Neith Carnival Queen Neith Mystic Defender Neith World Tour Nemesis Miss Misery Nike Star Spangled Nike Lady Liberty Nox Nice and Naughty Nu Wa Mystic Enchantress Nu Wa Wildstyle Pele Cute Cultivator Persephone Vapor Wave Poseidon Beamy Chibi Ra Mystic Magus Ra Sun The Marksman Rama Festive Ratatoskr Kitsune Ratatoskr Steel Alchemist Scylla First Mate Serqet Calavera Skadi Solar Navi-Gator Sobek The Magnificent Sol Season's Spirit Sylvanus Charm Caster The Morrigan SPF 666 The Morrigan Pixel Hammer Thor Beaky Chibi Thoth Touchdown Vamana Space Cadet Vulcan Vulcap'n Redbeard Vulcan Fire Dancer Xbalanque Whirlwind Tech Xing Tian Coral Coast Yemoja Freezy Chibi Ymir Titan Forge Ymir Demon Catcher Zhong Kui

Additional[ | ]

Afro-Dite Aphrodite Wrangler Artemis Kawaii Pop Bastet Miss Senshi Bellona Enchanted Chang'e Syndicate Da Ji Lady of the Sea Discordia Flare Tech Hou Yi Mini Metal Jing Wei Sacred Dragon Kukulkan Captain Quick Mercury The Sparrow Nike Afrofuture Olorun Mystic Flare Pele Ravin' Ravana Electro Dancer Shiva Combo Breaker Terra Privatyr Tyr

See Also[ | ]
