Smite Wiki
Chill Chest
TreasureRoll Chill
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: January 2, 2021

The Chill Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Chill Chest has a chance of unlocking a skin or an exclusive skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

Exclusive[ | ]

Nautical Legionnaire Achilles Ice Mage Agni Electric Buzz Ah Muzen Cab Stingpunk Ah Muzen Cab Chilling Grasp Ah Puch Infinite Seer Ah Puch Divine Beats Amaterasu Cool Cat Anhur Cryptid Death Anubis Oasis Djinn Aphrodite Spell Chanter Apollo Moonlit Ranger Artemis Peace Out Artemis Corroded Colossus Atlas Wave Rider Awilix Father Chrishmash Bacchus Super Chill Bacchus Half-life Baron Samedi Luminous Bastet Gizmo Bellona Iron Maid Bellona Stone Sentinel Camazotz Infinite Overseer Cerberus Oblivion Hound Cerberus Primal Spirir Cernunnos Storm Tech Chaac Moonlight Love Chang'e Spellbound Chang'e Archangel Chernobog Constable Moosejaw Chiron Bae Watch Cu Chulainn Spooky Nightmares Cupid Wiseguy Cupid Data Dealer Da Ji Foxy Lady Da Ji Sandcastle Slasher Da Ji Lunar Moth Discordia Monster Trainer Erlang Shen Crystal Fae Eset Lord Slashington III Fenrir Xeno Thrasher Fenrir Cosmic Fortune Ganesha Dreamweaver Ganesha Primal Shaman Ganesha Druid Stone Geb Glub Glub Geb Life's a Beach Geb Chilling Wraith Hades Infinity Wave He Bo The Sydney Shredder He Bo Hardwired Heimdallr Hunkules Hercules Techno Titan Hercules Winter's Mark Hou Yi Mummified Izanami Worldwalker Janus Phoenix Fire Jing Wei Shadow Sparrow Jing Wei Lady Bug Khepri Star Eater Khepri Breezy Chibi Kukulkan Sir Pentsworth IV, ESQ Pajama Party Kumbhakarna Dashing Deceiver Loki Glacial Gaze Medusa The Frost Gorgon Medusa Run Shaolin Fury Mercury Fun Guy Merlin Wise Wizard Merlin Summer Eclipse Morgan Le Fay Sakura Android Neith Swift Scurrier Neith Zero Gravity Nike Electric Dream Nox Ace Nu Wa Fairy Dust Nu Wa Nu Horizons Nu Wa Oktoberfest Nu Wa Spirit Shaman Odin Code Breaker Osiris Holo Halo Pele Pink Lotus Pele Geomancer Persephone Riptide Poseidon Phoenix Ra Sacred Arrow Rama Raxalotl Ratatoskr Lil' Red Scylla Snow Day Scylla Kitty Kaboom Serqet Pixel Lancer Skadi Land Shark Sobek Vigilante Susano High Noon Sylvanus Rav3n The Morrigan Beaky Bot Thoth Geek Beak Thoth Winged Justice Tyr Mystic Moon Tsukuyomi Cutting Edge Ullr Cybernetic Ullr Serenity Vamana Jag Grove Keeper Xing Tian Void Sorceress Yemoja Omniscient Oracle Zeus Sky Tech Zeus

Additional[ | ]

Swagni Agni Renegade Awilix The G.O.A.T Sun's Bride Chang'e Rocky Road He Bo Solstice Hel Moon's Groom Hou Yi Space Monkey Hun Batz Jandroid Janus Cyberpunk Ne Zha Moon Seer Olorun Solar Sentinel Ra Squirrel Squad Ratatoskr Demonsoul Serqet Madame Blade Serqet Ski Patrol Skadi Spirit of the Bear Terra Reaper Tech Thanatos Digi-Mir 9000 Ymir

See Also[ | ]
