Smite Wiki

These are the Default Controls used to control your character.

Movement controls

W - Move Forward
S - Move Backward
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right
Left - Turn Left
Right - Turn Right
Mouse Scroll Up - Zoom In
Mouse Scroll Down - Zoom Out
NumLock - Toggle Auto Run
SpaceBar - Jump

Attack & Ability controls

Left Mouse Button - Fire
Right Mouse Button - Cancel Fire
1 - Ability 1
2 - Ability 2
3 - Ability 3
4 - Ability 4 (Ult)
F1 - Train Ability 1
F2 - Train Ability 2
F3 - Train Ability 3
F4 - Train Ability 4 (Ult)

Other control keys

F - Store Active 1
G - Store Active 2
B - Recall
Z - Consumable 1
C - Consumable 2
Alt - Free Mouse
M - Toggle Map Overlay
Tab - Scoreboard
T - Top Player Stats
K - Skill Screen
I - Item Store
Y - Death Recap
H - Suppress Help
F6 - Vote to Surrender
F7 - Vote to Not Surrender
PageUp - Toggle Combat Log

Twitch controls

Shift+F1 - Twitch Menu
Shift+F2 - Twitch Bar
Shift+F3 - Twitch Mute
Shift+F4 - Twitch Chat

VGS (Voice Guided System) keys

For a comprehensive guide, please go to the VGS page.
