"An arrow from the bow of Cupid, chubby little God of Love, will make anyone give in to passion and desire.
Cupid, as he was called by the Romans, is the son of Venus and Mars, or Aphrodite and Ares as they were known by the Greeks. He is the God of love and desire, flying about on feathery wings, shooting passion-tipped arrows at all the creatures of the earth. When struck with one of his arrows, man and beast alike fall in love with the next thing they see. Without Cupid's steady aim, there would be no love in this world, which is precisely what happened when Cupid fell in love himself.
Psyche was a mortal of astounding beauty, which made Venus venomously jealous. Venus ordered Cupid to sting her with an arrow, then arranged for Psyche to fall in love with a spider. Invisible, Cupid reluctantly went to Psyche as she slept, yet, she woke suddenly and saw right through Cupid's invisibility. Surprised, Cupid cut himself on his own arrow and fell immediately in love with Psyche.
Furious, Venus would not let Cupid marry Psyche, so Cupid stopped shooting arrows, people stopped falling in love and stopped worshipping Venus. Panicked, the Goddess of beauty relented and Cupid went back to work. Psyche was whisked to a secret location. Cupid visited her only at night so she could not see who he was. Fearing him to be a terrible monster, Psyche waited for Cupid to fall asleep and lit a lantern. Surprised at what she found, she accidentally scraped one of Cupid's arrows and fell in love with him.
Venus was displeased and forbade Psyche to see her son, forcing her to complete a series of impossible challenges that Psyche overcame only with mystical help. Finally, Cupid begged Jupiter (Zeus) to intervene. Casually, he declared Psyche and Cupid could be together. Thus, Cupid fed Psyche the drink of ambrosia that made her immortal and the God of love got to live happily ever after."
Basic Attack -Cupid Basic Attack
Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
Notes: Fire a projectile that does Physical Damage to the first enemy hit. Projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls.
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Damage: 43 + 2.32 per level
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
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Passive -Lovestruck
Hitting a Basic Attack grants a stack, or 2 stacks if the target is an enemy god. Heart Bomb, Share The Love and Fields of Love always consume up to 8 stacks on use, granting them additional DamageHealing and bonus effects.
Damage Increase: 2% Per Stack
Heal Increase: 10% Per Stack
Max Stacks: 16 Stacks
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1st Ability -Heart Bomb
Cupid fires an arrow of love, dealing 50 [80% Strength and 55% Intelligence] Physical Damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them. After 3 s, the enemy's heart explodes, dealing 50 [80% Strength and 55% Intelligence] Physical Damage to all enemies within the radius. If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, all enemies in the area are Stunned.
Notes: Deals additional damage to minions.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Explode Radius: 4 meters
Initial and Explosion Damage: 50/80/110/140/170
Initial and Explosion Damage Scaling: 80% Strength + 55% Intelligence
Minion Bonus Damage: 55%
Shield Health: 80/100/120/140/160
Shield Health Scaling: 40% Intelligence
Slow: 20%
Stun Duration: 0.8 seconds
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2nd Ability -Share The Love
Cupid lobs an explosive bomb at a location that detonates after 0.75s, dealing 80 [65% Strength and 35% Intelligence] Physical Damage to all enemies hit. When the bomb explodes, 3 hearts spawn around the location, Healing 20 [7% Intelligence] and restoring 20 [5% Intelligence] Mana to any ally that picks them up. If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, the heart also provides a temporary 5 [10% Strength] Strength and 5 [5% Intelligence] Intelligence Buff.
Notes: The heart persists for 8s. When you or an ally pick up a heart, gain a stack of Lovestruck. If an ally picks up the heart, you Heal for 60% of the value and also restore Mana.
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Radius: 1.6 meters
Range: 8.8 meters
Damage: 80/130/180/230/280
Damage Scaling: 65% Strength and 35% Intelligence
Mana Restore: 20/25/30/35/40
Mana Restore Scaling: 5% Intelligence
Strength and Intelligence: 5/10/15/20/25
Strength Scaling: 10% Strength
Intelligence Scaling: 5% Intelligence
Duration: 5 seconds
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3rd Ability -Flutter
Cupid dashes forward quickly, leaving a behind trail that increases all allies' Attack and Movement Speed.
Notes: You also gain Attack Speed after dashing, which is active for the same duration as the trail and stacks with all the trail's buff. The Attack Speed buff only scales with Attack Speed from items.
Cost: 70 mana
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
Range: 8.8 meters
Attack Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
Movement Speed: 30%
Lifetime: 6 seconds
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Ultimate -Fields of Love
Cupid fires a volley of arrows in an area, Slowing and Crippling all enemies inside. The arrows grow for 2s before exploding, dealing 200 [100% Strength and 75% Intelligence] Physical Damage and Mesmerizing all enemies inside the area, while Healing all allies Healing 60 [20% Intelligence]. If you have 8 stacks of Lovestruck, enemies are Stunned instead of Mesmerized.