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T DanzaburouS2 Default
Title: The Legendary Tanuki
Pantheon: NewUI Pantheon2 Japanese Japanese
Type: Ranged,Physical
Roles: S2 Role Carry Carry
Pros: {{{pros}}}
Difficulty: {{{difficulty}}}
Release date:
Favor: 5500 Favor
Diamonds: {{{diamonds}}} Diamonds
Voicelines: Danzaburou (SMITE 2) voicelines
Voice actor: Dai Tabuchi
Health: 587 (+77.55)
Mana: 296 (+42)
Speed: 430 (+0)
Range: {{{range}}} (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.5%)
Physical: 18.4 (+2.76)
Magical: 26.7 (+1.46)
HP/Sec: 1.7 (+0.2)
MP/Sec: 2.25 (+0.25)
*Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level

Danzaburou is one of the playable Gods in SMITE 2.


Among the tanuki of Sado Island, one name is known above all others – that of Danzaburou. The supreme commander of all tanuki is infamous for his antics and his tricks are justly feared by mortal and immortal alike.

A shape-shifter and trickster without equal, Danzaburou has never met a prank he would not pull. While these are mostly for his own amusement, he has been known to act on behalf of others, so long as he finds it entertaining. Even so, like all tanuki, he lives to cause trouble, and relishes every opportunity to show off his cleverness, as well as his capacity to cause havoc.

Nowhere is this more evident than on the battlefield, where Danzaburou surrounds himself in chaos and confusion. He fights with great cunning. When not dodging his opponent's attacks, or leaving a statue in his place to absorb the brunt of their wrath, he's hiding in plain sight, waiting for his moment to strike. To say that Danzaburou is a frustrating opponent is an understatement.

But Danzaburou brings more than just frustration – he is also a purveyor of good fortune. Jug of sake in one hand, and a promissory note in the other, the tanuki offers his opponents a drink and payment even as he plans his next trick or three. With his sly grin and big belly, the cheerful tanuki can turn even the staunchest of his foes into a friend – at least for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of a jug of sake.

It is said that Danzaburou has been outwitted only once, by a human peasant. Ever since, the tanuki has refrained from playing tricks on hapless humans. Instead, he reserves his best pranks for what he considers to be a less perceptive audience...

Namely, the gods themselves.


Basic Attack - Danzaburou Basic Attack
Fire a projectile that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit. Notes:
 Bullet Projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls.
 Bullet Range: 8.8 meters  Bullet Radius: 0.48 meters
 Bullet Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence

Ability Video

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Passive - Dishonest Duplication
Danzaburou has a 5% + 0.5% per level + 0.5% Intelligence chance of spawning a clone of himself with each basic attack hitting an enemy. Notes:
 Bullet Clones last for 3s, deal 10% of Danzaburou's Basic Attack Damage and take 300% increased Damage.
 Bullet Clones last 3s, deal 12.5%/13.75%/15%/16.25%/17.5% of Danzaburou's Basic Attack Damage and take 300% increased Damage.
 Bullet Clones have a 5% + 0.25% Per Level chance of spawning a clone.
 Bullet Clones target the enemy that was hit when they were created.

Ability Video

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1st Ability - Fool's Gold
Danzaburou rolls out 3 bags that deal 95 [90% Strength and 65% Intelligence] Physical Damage to enemies hit and then explode, dealing 30 [20% Strength and 40% Intelligence] Physical Damage. They stop on enemy gods, Trembling them and dropping a coin. Coins can be picked up by yourself or allied gods to provide you 10 gold. Notes:
 Bullet Subsequent hits of bags or explosions on the same enemy deal 15% damage.
 Bullet Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 12 seconds
 Bullet Range: 11.2 meters  Bullet Explode Radius: 1.92 meters
 Bullet Explosive Damage: 30/55/80/105/130  Bullet Explosive Damage Scaling: 20% Strength and 40% Intelligence

Ability Video

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2nd Ability - Alluring Spirits
Danzaburou drinks some sake, Healing for 15 [5% Intelligence] Health every 0.5s for 1.5s] before throwing the bottle, dealing 90 [70% Strength and 40% Intelligence] Physical Damage to enemies hit. On landing, the bottle applies a stacking Slow to enemy gods. On reaching 3 stacks, they are Taunted towards the bottle. Notes:
 Bullet This ability does 40% Bonus Damage to Jungle Monsters.
 Bullet The inner circle deals damage on landing while the entire area slows.
 Bullet The bottle can be broken early with enemy basic attacks.
 Bullet Taunt is not affected by Diminishing Returns.
 Bullet If the Taunted enemy takes more than 30% of their max. Health, the taunt ends early.
 Bullet Cost: 60/65/70/75/80  Bullet Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds
 Bullet Range: 7.2 meters  Bullet Inner Radius: 2 meters
 Bullet Outer Radius: 2.8 meters  Bullet Heal Per Tick: 15/20/25/30/35
 Bullet Heal Scaling Per Tick: 5% Intelligence  Bullet Damage: 90/140/190/240/290
 Bullet Damage Scaling: 70% Strength + 40% Intelligence  Bullet Slow: 10% Per Stack
 Bullet Taunt Duration: 1 second

Ability Video

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3rd Ability - Tanuki Trickery
Danzaburou creates a field where he gains Movement Speed, Slow Immunity, his Basic Attack Penalty is removed, and his Dishonest Duplication chance is doubled. When Danzaburou leaves the area, it disappears and Danzaburou transforms into a leaf while decoys mimic his movements. Enemies in the field are Slowed. As a leaf, Danzaburou gains increased Movement Speed, Slow Immunity and a buff that causes his next Basic Attack to deal 20 [100% Intelligence and 55% Strength] Physical Damage. Notes:
 Bullet Taking damage or attacking while in leaf form will end it early however there is a brief delay before this can happen on first transforming.
 Bullet Cost: 70 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 14 seconds
 Bullet Radius: 3.84 meters  Bullet Damage: 20/30/40/50/60
 Bullet Damage Scaling: 100% Intelligence and 55% Strength  Bullet Movement Speed: 20%
 Bullet Bonus Movement Speed: 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%  Bullet Slow: 20%

Ability Video

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Ultimate - Uproarious Rocket
Danzaburou fires a rocket that locks onto enemy gods or can reactivate this ability to become the rocket himself! The rocket deals 300 [100% Strength and 70% Intelligence] Physical Damage, Stuns the first enemy god hit and explodes, dealing 225 [50% Strength and 80% Intelligence] Physical Damage. The final projectile deals a burst of Physical Damage. Notes:
 Bullet Danzaburou is Rooted and CC Immune while Channeling and can only aim within 180 degrees.
 Bullet The rocket pierces through and damages minions but stops on first god hit.
 Bullet Danzaburou is immune to damage while in rocket form.
 Bullet Danzaburou can cancel this ability while a rocket to transform back, sending out the rocket directly ahead.
 Bullet Cost: 100 mana  Bullet Cooldown: 90 seconds
 Bullet Radius: 4.8 meters  Bullet Damage: 300/360/420/480/540
 Bullet Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 70% Intelligence  Bullet Explode Damage: 225/270/315/360/405
 Bullet Explode Damage Scaling: 50% Strength and 80% Intelligence  Bullet Stun Duration: 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 seconds

Ability Video

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Danzaburou Skin card Release Date
Type Standard
Cost Free
Voicelines Danzaburou voicelines
In Game Model
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Boss Man Skin card Release Date
Type Exclusive
Cost 200 Gems
Voicelines Boss Man Danzaburou voicelines
In Game Model
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Type Exclusive
Cost 200 Gems
Voicelines Party Animal Danzaburou voicelines
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Type Exclusive
Cost 200 Gems
Voicelines Mascot Butler Danzaburou voicelines
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