Smite Wiki
Druid Stone
DruidStone T1
Item Type: Offensive, Defensive
Item Tier: Tier 1
Item Tier:
Item Tier:
Cost: 650
Total Cost:
Stats: +15 Physical Protection
+15 Magical Protection
+50 Health
Active Effect:
Passive Effect:
Active Cooldown:
Passive Cooldown:

Druid Stone is one of the Items in SMITE.


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
DruidStone T1 Druid Stone SagesStone T2 Sage's Stone AbyssalStone T3 Abyssal Stone
Erosion T3 Erosion
EnchantedStone T2 Enchanted Stone ArchdruidsFury T3 Archdruid's Fury
StoneofBinding T3 Stone of Binding
