+25 Physical Power +20% Attack Speed +7% Movement Speed
Active Effect:
Passive Effect:
PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy with a Basic Attack from the front, you heal for 1 + 1 Health per level, which is increased by 50% if the target is a god. When you hit an enemy with a Basic Attack from the back, you deal an additional 15 + 3 Physical damage per level.
Active Cooldown:
Passive Cooldown:
950 (2200)
+25 Physical Power +20% Attack Speed +7% Movement Speed
Passive Effect
PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy with a Basic Attack from the front, you heal for 1 + 1 Health per level, which is increased by 50% if the target is a god. When you hit an enemy with a Basic Attack from the back, you deal an additional 15 + 3 Physical damage per level.
Heals a total of 21 Health against minions, 31.5 Health against gods and deals a total of 75 Physical Damage taken from behind (2 Health against minions, 3 Health against gods and 18 Physical Damage taken from behind at level 1) at level 20.