Smite Wiki
Hi-Rez Killgoon Chest
TreasureRoll HiRezKillgoon
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: December 22, 2019

The Hi-Rez Killgoon Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Hi-Rez Killgoon Chest has a chance of unlocking a skin or an exclusive skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

After unlocking all items, the chest can continue to be rolled for account boosters. This chest is part of the Dev Chest Showdown charity event.

Exclusive[ | ]

Gemini Agni Itty Bitty Chibee Ah Muzen Cab Shadow Spirit Ah Puch Cosmic Power Anubis Oasis Djinn Aphrodite Snuggly Artemis Plushie Artio Mystic Guardian Athena Feline Fashion Awilix The King Bacchus Star Tamer Bastet Star Commander Bellona Father Time Chronos Bizzy B Cupid Queen's Guard Erlang Shen Lord Slashington III Fenrir Ordo Aurora Freya Grim Horseman Guan Yu Cyber Samurai Hachiman Pixel Rush He Bo Grim Eclipse Hou Yi Exterminator Kali Star Eater Khepri Sir Pentsworth IV, Esq Kukulkan Grim Mariachi Loki Run Basscannon Neith Elegant Nemesis Bun Bun Nox Mystic Enchantress Nu Wa The Re-Animated Osiris Sun Zenko Ratatoskr Shadow Punch Ravana Pixel Lancer Skadi Kaiju Sobek Meltdown Sol Steel Samurai Susano Season's Spirit Sylvanus Cyber Scythe Thanatos Cangaceiro Vamana Full Metal Vulcan Jag Nuclear Winter Ymir Infernal Lord Zeus

Additional[ | ]

Ordo Solarus Amaterasu Scarlet Coven Eset Howler Demon Hun Batz Madame Blade Serqet Privatyr Tyr

See also[ | ]
