Smite Wiki
International Chest
TreasureRoll International
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: October 15, 2014

The International Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.


Here is your chance to get amazing collection gathered from around the globe. Each International chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed or a Sydney Shredder, Lunar Tango, Jaguar Footballer, Red Star, Sacred Dragon, and Ski Patrol Skin.


Ra'merica Ra Oktoberfest Nu Wa Quetzakukulkan Kukulkan Lord of the Amazon He Bo The Sydney Shredder He Bo Lunar Tango Chang'e Jaguar Footballer Xbalanque Save The Earth Bundle

  • Save The Earth Bundle:
Save The Earth Emote "Save The Earth" Emote
International 2014 Avatar "International 2014" Avatar


Red Star Athena Sacred Dragon Kukulkan Ski Patrol Skadi
