Izanami throws a piercing projectile that deals Physical Damage to all enemies hit. The projectile returns to Izanami after reaching its max range or hitting a wall, dealing Physical Damage to any enemies hit on the way back.
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Initial Damage Scaling: 75% Strength or Inhand Power and 15% Intelligence
Return Damage Scaling: 35% Strength or Inhand Power and 7% Intelligence
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Passive -Death Draws Nigh
Izanami gains Physical Penetration and Intelligence for each1% of your Max Health taken as damage. Each stack fades 10 seconds after the damage was taken. Stack count cannot drop below the percentage of your current missing health.
Physical Penetration: 0.4% per Stack
Intelligence: 0.5 Per Stack
Intelligence Per Level: 0.05 Per Stack
Buff Duration: 50
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1st Ability -Sickle Storm
Izanami increases her Attack Speed for 6 seconds, but her Basic Attacks no longer piece enemies or return to her. Basic Attacks deal Bonus Damage to Structures. Applies a stacking Bleed to enemies hit.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Attack Speed: 30/35/40/45/50%
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
Bonus Structure Damage: 5/10/15/20/25
Bleed Damage: 5/10/15/20/25 + 30% Intelligence over 4 ticks.
Max Debuff Stacks: 3
Debuff Duration: 2s
Cooldown: 11s
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2nd Ability -Spectral Projection
Izanami sends forth a spectral projection of herself, dealing Physical Damage and Slowing to all enemies in a line.
Notes: Spectral Projection passes through walls. Can be cast without breaking Stealth from Fade Away.
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds
Range: 11.2 meters
Radius: 0.8 meters
Damage: 50/90/130/170/210
Damage Scaling: 80% Strength and 60% Intelligence
Slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
Slow Duration: 2 seconds
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3rd Ability -Fade Away
Izanami descends into the underworld, becoming Stealthed, and Leap from your current position. Gain Movement Speed while in Stealth.
Notes: Sickle Storm and Spectral Projection can be used without breaking Stealth.
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Range: 8.8 meters
Axe Radius: 9.6 meters
Movement Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
Buff Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds
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Ultimate -Dark Portal
Izanami summons a dark portal which deals instant Physical Damage and Physical Damage over time. Enemies are also Silenced and Slowed.
Notes: Slowing and Damage over time effects start strong, and fade away over 2s. Slow is not affected by diminishing returns.
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Radius: 2.4 meters
Bleed Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 over 4 ticks.
Bleed Damage Scaling: 70% Intelligence over 4 ticks.