Smite Wiki

Loading frames are Cosmetic Items in SMITE that allow players to customize the frame that surrounds their god during the match loading screen. Players can choose which loading frame they want to use from the loadout screen.

Playing gods that have a Golden, Legendary or Diamond skin unlocked while having the default frame equipped will display a mastery frame instead.

List of Loading frames[ | ]

  • Icon Player Default Default: Used by default when no other frame is equipped.
  • Icon Player Default Mastery: Replaces the default frame for gods at God Rank 1 or higher when no other frame is equipped.
  • Icon Player Default Golden: Replaces the default and Mastery frames for gods with a Golden skin unlocked when no other frame is equipped.
  • Icon Player Default Legendary: Replaces the default, Mastery and Golden frames for gods with a Legendary skin unlocked when no other frame is equipped.
  • Icon Player Default Diamond: Replaces the default, Mastery, Golden and Legendary frames for gods with a Diamond skin unlocked when no other frame is equipped.
  • Icon Frames SWC 2015 World Championship Supporter: This frame was part of the Odyssey 2015 event.
  • Icon Player S2 Conquest Mastered Rage: Rewarded for reaching Platinum 5 or higher in Season 1 League. Has animated lava fissures on the pillars. It features the player's season 1 tier's logo on the top.
  • Icon Frames WH Winter Holiday: This frame can be obtained from the Winter Holiday Chest. It has a soft snowfall overlay effect.
  • Icon Frames SPL S2 Season Ticket 2015: Unlocked after purchasing the Season Ticket 2015.
  • Icon Frames SPL S2 Golden Season Ticket 2015: Unlocked after accumulating 4000 fantasy points. Replaces the Season Ticket 2015 frame.
  • Icon Frames SPL S2 Diamond Season Ticket 2015: Unlocked after accumulating 8000 fantasy points. Replaces the Golden Season Ticket 2015 frame.
  • Icon Frames SPL S2 Epic Season Ticket 2015: Unlocked after accumulating 15000 fantasy points. Replaces the Diamond Season Ticket 2015 frame. Applies a swirling effect around the loading card's borders.
  • Icon Frames Japanese Japanese Frame: This frame was part of the Japanese Bundle from the Odyssey 2016. The lanterns on the pillars glow after loading. You can also find this as a level up reward, when you are level 28.
  • Icon Player S2FR Conquest Mastered Berserker: Rewarded for reaching Platinum 5 or higher in Season 2 League. It features the player's season 2 tier's logo on the top.
  • Icon Frames SeasonTicket2016 2016 Season Ticket Frame: Unlocked after accumulating 2500 fantasy points in the Season Ticket 2016.
  • Icon Frames Underworld Underworld Frame: This frame was part of the Escape from the Underworld event. The chains swing back and forth, and the pillars on the sides fill up with lava after loading.
  • MusicTheme NorseSeafarer Viking Invasion: This frame was part of the Viking Invasion event.
  • Icon SOS 2016 Tropical Paradise: This frame was part of the Summer of Smite 2016 event.
  • Icon Odyssey2017 Odyssey 2017 Frame: This frame was part of the Odyssey 2017 event. It's surrounded by animated particle effects. The pantheon logo changes based on the current Odyssey 2017 stage.
  • Icon Tactics Tactics Frame: This frame could be obtained as a bonus for purchasing the Tactics Wiki SMITE Tactics Founder's pack.
  • Icon Pantheon Celtic Celtic Frame: This frame was part of the Path of the Phantom Queen event.
  • Icon S3LF Conquest Masters Iron Tyrant: Rewarded for reaching Platinum 5 or higher in Season 3 Ranked. Animated purple flames on the pillars. It features the player's season 3 tier's logo on the top.
  • S4 SeasonTicket GasMask 2017 Season Ticket Frame: Unlocked after reaching level 4 in the Season Ticket 2017. The cannons on the sides will shoot bullets after loading.
  • Icon Event Celestial Celestial Frame: This frame was part of the Celestial Voyage event.
  • Icon Event Dungeon Dungeon Frame: This frame was part of the Dungeon Bundle (1000 Gems), created to celebrate Trials of King Hercules.
  • Icon Event COC Chivalry Frame: This frame was part of the Code of Chivalry event. Changes between good and evil versions at random.
  • Icon BobRoss Frame Bob Ross Frame: This frame was part of the Bob Ross bundle.
  • Icon SOS2017 Poolside Fun: This frame was part of the Summer of Smite 2017 event.
  • Event Odyssey2018 Fire and Ice: This frame was unlocked by reaching Level 3 in the Odyssey 2018 event.
  • Event Ragnarok Ragnarok: This frame was part of the Fire Giant Bundle (750 Gems) from the Ragnarok event.
  • Misc S5RankedFrame Pale Raven: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 4 Ranked. It features the player's season 4 tier's logo on the top.
  • Event SeasonTicket 2018 2018 Season Ticket Frame: Unlocked after reaching Team Badge level 2 in the Season Ticket 2018. Each team has a variation of this frame, displaying a different color scheme, and the team's logo at the top.
  • Misc HappyBirthday SMITE Birthday 2018 Frame: This frame was part of the Happy Birthday Bundle (900 Gems) from the SMITE Birthday 2018 event.
  • Icon Pantheon Slavic Slavic Frame: This frame was part of the Slavic Bundle 1 from the Slavic Chest (Divine Uprising).
  • Icon Pantheon Voodoo Voodoo Frame: This frame was part of the Voodoo Bundle 1 from the Voodoo Chest (Divine Uprising).
  • Icon Pantheon Polynesian Polynesian Frame: This frame was part of the Polynesian Bundle 1 from the Polynesian Chest (Divine Uprising).
  • Adventures ClassicJoust Royal Champion: This frame was part of the Classic Joust event.
  • Misc MidnightMoon Midnight Masquerade: This frame is part of the Masquerade Chest Bundle from the Masquerade Chest.
  • Misc LFrame HeraOdyssey Hera's Odyssey: This frame was unlocked by reaching Level 4 in the Hera's Odyssey event.
  • Event ADV CelestialDomination Mystic Archer: This frame was part of the Celestial Domination event.
  • Misc LFrame Vampire Sanguine: This frame is part of the Sanguine Chest Bundle from the Sanguine Chest.
  • Frame GoodWill Commendation 2018: This frame was a season 5 reward from the Commendations system.
  • Frame RankedS5 GuanYu Gladiator: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 5 Ranked. It features the player's season 5 tier's logo on the top.
  • BP1 LFrame Smitetropolis Smitetropolis: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Too Hot For You! Battle Pass.
  • Avalon Loading Frame Icon Avalon: This frame was part of the Avalon Bundle from the Legend of Camelot event.
  • BP02 Misc LFrame Gothic Gothic: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Darkness Falls Battle Pass.
  • Misc LFrame ValkyriesRage Valkyrie's Rage: This frame was part of the Council of the Gods Bundle from the Council of the Gods event.
  • LFrame NeonCyber Neon Cyber: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Neo Olympia Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame Pirate A Pirate's Life!: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Pirate Queens Battle Pass.
  • Misc LFrame SetHorus Set & Horus: This frame was unlocked by reaching Level 4 in the Odyssey: Underworld event.
  • LoadingFrame RWBY RWBY: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the RWBY Battle Pass. Rose petals circle around the trees.
  • Icon Frame Commendation2019 Commendation 2019: This frame was a season 6 reward from the Commendations system.
  • Icon Frame Unbreakable Unbreakable: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 6 Ranked. It features the player's season 6 tier's logo on the top.
  • Icon Frame FloofGully Floof Gully: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Enchanted Chronicles Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame JadeCorruption Jade Corruption: This frame could be obtained by completing a certain number of quests from the Jade Corruption event.
  • Icon Frame Sacred Sacred: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Lightbringers Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame GrimOmens Grim Omens: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the cosmetic bundle in Chapter 2 of the Grim Omens event.
  • Icon Frame FinalBoss Final Boss: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Final Boss Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame TheAvatar The Avatar: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Avatar Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame PinataPartyTime Piñata Party Time: This frame could be obtained by completing the third quest of Chapter 1 in the New Moon event.
  • Icon Frame Necropolis Necropolis: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Necropolis Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame Madness Madness: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the High Voltage bundle from the Odyssey: Reckoning event.
  • Icon Frame TurtlePower Turtle Power: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the TMNT Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame MidguardianMacaque Midguardian Macaque: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 7 Ranked. It features the player's season 7 tier's logo on the top.
  • T Ganesha PureHeart Icon Commendation 2020: This frame was a season 7 reward from the Commendations system.
  • Icon Frame CrashTest Crash Test: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 8 Ranked. It features the player's season 8 tier's logo on the top.
  • Icon Frame Babylon Babylon: This frame could be obtained by completing the third quest of Chapter 1 in the Dawn of Babylon event.
  • Icon Frame MostWanted Most Wanted: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Most Wanted Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame Streamer Streamer: This frame could be obtained in the Viewer Store (Esports & Live Streams) during patch 8.2.
  • Icon Frame HeroesOfTheWild Heroes of the Wild: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Heroes of the Wild Battle Pass.
  • Frame TalonsOfTyranny Icon Talons of Tyranny: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the cosmetic bundle in Chapter 1 of the Talons of Tyranny event.
  • Icon Frame Monstercat Monstercat: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Monstercat Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame TheUpsideDown The Upside Down: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Stranger Things Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame CourtOfMidnight Court of Midnight: This frame was unlocked by completing the Hyperspace & Crimson Magus quest line in the Court of Midnight event.
  • Icon Frame PerilousSeas Perilous Seas: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the Mystic Magus bundle from the Odyssey: Perilous Seas event.
  • Icon Frame DelicatePorcelain Delicate Porcelain: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Cleanliness VS. Godliness Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame AutobotsVSDecepticons Autobots vs. Decepticons: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Transformers Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame Yulefest Yulefest: This frame could be obtained by purchasing a skin from the Yulefest event.
  • Icon Frame GraveGolem Grave Golem: Rewarded for achieving 150 or more wins in Season 9 Ranked. It features the player's season 9 tier's logo on the top.
  • Icon Frame CommendationsS8 S8 Commendation: This frame was a season 8 reward from the Commendations system.
  • Icon Frame TheDharmicEra The Dharmic Era: This frame could be obtained from the Dharmic Era event.
  • Icon Frame HellfireSyndicate Hellfire Syndicate: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Hellfire Syndicate Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame FrameofTruth Frame of Truth: This frame was unlocked by playing 1 game during the Welcome Pass.
  • Icon Frame ChibiBots Chibi Bots: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Chibi Bots Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame HeavenlyLight Heavenly Light: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the cosmetic bundle in Chapter 1 of the Heavenly Light event.
  • Icon Frame TheTrickster The Trickster: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Blast from the Past Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame ZodiacSymbols Zodiac Council: This frame was unlocked by purchasing and achieving a level in the Zodiac Council Battle Pass.
  • Icon Frame Floofs Floofs: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the Shadow Dancer bundle from the Odyssey: Soaring Isles event.
  • Icon Frame Fast Food Fast Food: This frame could be obtained by completing certain Chibiland quests is the Odyssey: Soaring Isles event.
  • Icon Frame Houses at War Houses at War: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Houses at War Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame RuneScape RuneScape: This frame could be obtained by purchasing all content from the Runescape Event.
  • LoadingFrame Cyber Tokyo Cyber Tokyo: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Cyber Tokyo Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland: This frame could be obtained by purchasing a skin from the Yulefest (2022) event.
  • LoadingFrame S9 Commendation S9 Commendation: This frame was a season 9 reward from the Commendations system.
  • LoadingFrame Artifacts of Power Artifacts of Power: This frame could be obtained from the Magic: The Gathering Event.
  • LoadingFrame Boss Monsters Boss Monsters: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Boss Monsters Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame Duality Duality: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Duality Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame Hope Reborn Hope Reborn: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the cosmetic bundle in Chapter 2 of the Hope Reborn event.
  • File:LoadingFrame Gamer Girl.png Gamer Girl: This frame was part of the VSHOJO Event.
  • File:LoadingFrame DarkDominion.png Dark Dominion: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Dark Dominion Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame PrismOfSouls Prism of Souls: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the Angel of Chaos Bundle from the ColorForge: Prism of Souls event.
  • LoadingFrame Celestial Syndicate Celestial Syndicate: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the Celestial Syndicate Battle Pass.
  • LoadingFrame Festival of Spirits Festival of Spirits: This frame was part of the Festival of Spirits event.
  • LoadingFrame Coolseidon Coolseidon: This frame could be obtained by purchasing the Intergalactic Harvester Bundle from the ColorForge: Worlds Collide event.
  • LoadingFrame Worlds! Worlds!: This frame could be obtained by purchasing and achieving a level in the World Champion Battle Pass.