+125 Magical Power +30 MP5 +10% Magical Penetration
Active Effect:
Passive Effect:
PASSIVE - Basic Attacks and Abilities gain 15% additional Magical Power against targets below 60% Health. GLYPH - Successfully damaging an enemy god with an ability applies a mark for 6s. Damaging them a second time with an ability consumes the mark and provides you 10% movement speed for 3s and reduces your ability cooldowns by 1.5s. Only one mark can be active at a time and cannot be applied for 6s after consuming a mark.
Active Cooldown:
Passive Cooldown:
Perfected Rod of Tahuti
600 (3450)
+125 Magical Power +30 MP5 +10% Magical Penetration
Passive Effect
PASSIVE - Basic Attacks and Abilities gain 15% additional Magical Power against targets below 60% Health. GLYPH - Successfully damaging an enemy god with an ability applies a mark for 6s. Damaging them a second time with an ability consumes the mark and provides you 10% movement speed for 3s and reduces your ability cooldowns by 1.5s. Only one mark can be active at a time and cannot be applied for 6s after consuming a mark.
Perfected Rod of Tahuti is one of the Items in SMITE.
The passive does not add a flat +15% magical power scaling but rather it increased the attack's scaling value by 15% (e.g. an ability with 32% magical power scaling will be increased to 36.8% scaling instead of 57%).
The passive also affects healing abilities targetting allies or oneself while below the health threshold.