Deep beneath the turbulent tides of the ocean lingers a God of idle rage. What must it be like to live forever in the shadow of your brother? To be denied again and again that which you desire, despite the power of the wrathful seas at your command? So Poseidon broods on his throne at the ocean floor.
As a child, Poseidon and his brother, Hades, were consumed by their father, Cronus. Powerless to escape, it was left to mighty Zeus to free them and slay their patron. Together, they defeated the last of the Titans and ushered in a new age of dominance for Olympian Gods, but their freedom, their very lives, Zeus would never let either brother forget were owed to him. Even as the heavens, the underworld, and the seas were divided among them, Zeus positioned himself as king of all, and what was Poseidon to do but be thankful he had been spared a fate in his father's belly? So he retired to his new realm and began the pursuit of gathering worshippers.
Soon rose a great ocean front city of mankind, and Poseidon presented himself as their God, but another had already come, Athena, Zeus' daughter. A competition was held – each God would offer a gift and the people would select their sponsor. Confident, Poseidon drove his Trident, a trophy from the battle against the Titans, into the ground and a limitless spring emerged, but the people found the water salty and undrinkable. Athena extended her hand and a graceful olive tree rose from the earth. Wood, food, and oil, all from one gift. The people decided and the city was called Athens.
It may be that Poseidon never desired greatness as Zeus did. Had his father never consumed him, had he never been made God of the Sea, had his brother never crowned himself King of the Gods, Poseidon might have lived contentedly, but that chance is gone. Now, with the very tides at his command, an army of sea beasts at his back, and the formidable Kraken at his call, the glowering God of the deep seeks to quench his thirsty rage and plunge all the world in endless, wrathful seas.
Basic Attack -Poseidon Basic Attack
Fire a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit.
Notes: Projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls. Successfully hit basic attack generate Tide.
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength or Inhand Power and 20% Intelligence
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Passive -Changing Tides
Successfully hitting basic attacks generates Tide. Poseidon has increased Movement Speed and his abilities do additional bonus damage on the amount of Tide he has. Using abilities reduces Tide.
Notes: Each successful Basic Attack generates 10% Tide. At Max Tide Movement Speed is increased by 10%. At Max Tide abilities do 15% increased damage.
Ability Video
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1st Ability -Tidal Surge
Poseidon summons a wave dealing 100 [70% Intelligence] Magical Damage and Knocks Back enemies. Activate while Trident is out to send out two additional waves. Subsequent wave hits deal 50% less damage. Tide Cost -15%. These waves pass through everything
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Range: 12.8 meters
Small Wave Radius: 0.28 meters
Damage: 100/140/180/220/260
Damage Scaling: 70% Intelligence
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2nd Ability -Trident
Poseidon activates his Trident, gaining increased Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Basic Attack Damage. While activated, Tidal Surge and Basic Attacks fire two additional shots. The additional Basic Attacks shots apply ability damage and trigger ability on-hit effects. All Basic Attacks shots increase Tide on successful hit. This ability does not cost Tide.
Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Radius: 4.8m
Damage: 20/30/40/50/60
Damage Scaling: 25% Intelligence
Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
Attack Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
Basic Attack Damage: 25
Buff Duration: 6 seconds
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3rd Ability -Whirlpool
Poseidon summons a whirlpool, Crippling, Vortexing, and dealing 15 [20% Intelligence] Magical Damage repeatedly to enemies in an area. Tide Cost -15%.
Notes: This ability hits 6 times over 3 seconds.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds
Range: 8.8 meters
Radius: 3.2 meters
Damage: 15/25/35/45/55
Damage Scaling: 20% Intelligence
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Ultimate -Release The Kraken!
Poseidon summons the Kraken, dealing 175 [40% Intelligence] Magical Damage and Slowing enemies in its area. Enemies in the center area when it spawns take 350 [100% Intelligence] Magical Damage instead and are Stunned and Knocked Up. Tide Cost -20%