Smite Wiki
Stingpunk Chest
TreasureRoll Stingpunk
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: December 28, 2021

The Stingpunk Chest is one of the treasure chests in SMITE.

Description[ | ]

Each Stingpunk Chest has a chance of unlocking a skin or an exclusive skin. Chests never unlock duplicate items. Unlocking an item from this chest unlocks the same item in another chest.

Exclusive[ | ]

Stingpunk Ah Muzen Cab Vapor Wave Poseidon Bunny Bomber Aphrodite Electric Dream Nox Critical Drunkyard Bacchus Fun-pocalypse Xbalanque Fun-pocalypse Ullr Grim Weaver Arachne Kitty Kaboom Serqet Pixel Hammer Thor Techno Titan Hercules Warmaker Cerberus Warmaker Vulcan Stingpunks Bundle

  • Stingpunks Bundle:
Stingpunk Recall Skin "Stingpunk" Recall Skin
Stingpunk Global Emote "Stingpunk" Global Emote

Additional[ | ]

Malware Master Ah Puch Clockwork Chaos Discordia Pop Punk Hel
