Stone of Fal | |
Details | |
Item Type: | Offensive, Defensive |
Item Tier: | Tier 3 |
Cost: | 950 |
Total Cost: | 2350 |
Stats: | +150 Health +20 Magical Power +40 Physical Protection +40 Magical Protection |
Passive Effect: | PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack you gain a stack of Fals Blessing giving you 2% damage mitigation per stack. At 3 stacks you gain double the damage mitigation and 20% CCR. This effect lasts for 10s. |
Removal Date: | January 24, 2023 |
Stone of Fal was one of the Items in SMITE.
This item was removed from the game with SMITE Version 10.1.7415.3, the patch was released on January 24, 2023.
Item | Cost / Total Cost |
Stats | Passive Effect |
Druid Stone |
600 | +10 Magical Power +20 Magical Protection |
None |
Sage's Stone |
800 (1400) |
+50 Health +20 Magical Power +15 Physical Protection +15 Magical Protection |
None |
Stone of Fal |
950 (2350) |
+150 Health +20 Magical Power +40 Physical Protection +40 Magical Protection |
PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack you gain a stack of Fals Blessing giving you 2% damage mitigation per stack. At 3 stacks you gain double the damage mitigation and 20% CCR. This effect lasts for 10s. |
- Fals Blessing stacks can only be built while the second buff is inactive.
- Provides up to 6% damage mitigation at max stacks which turns to 12% damage mitigation.