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Stone of Fal
StoneofFal T3
Item Type: Offensive, Defensive
Item Tier: Tier 3
Item Tier:
Cost: 950
Total Cost: 2350
Stats: +150 Health
+20 Magical Power
+40 Physical Protection
+40 Magical Protection
Active Effect:
Passive Effect: PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack you gain a stack of Fals Blessing giving you 2% damage mitigation per stack. At 3 stacks you gain double the damage mitigation and 20% CCR. This effect lasts for 10s.
Active Cooldown:
Passive Cooldown:
Removal Date: January 24, 2023

Stone of Fal was one of the Items in SMITE.

This item was removed from the game with SMITE Version 10.1.7415.3, the patch was released on January 24, 2023.


Item Cost /
Total Cost
Stats Passive Effect
DruidStone T1
DruidStone T1 Druid Stone
600 +10 Magical Power
+20 Magical Protection
SagesStone T2
SagesStone T2 Sage's Stone
+50 Health
+20 Magical Power
+15 Physical Protection
+15 Magical Protection
StoneofFal T3
Stone of Fal
+150 Health
+20 Magical Power
+40 Physical Protection
+40 Magical Protection
PASSIVE - When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack you gain a stack of Fals Blessing giving you 2% damage mitigation per stack. At 3 stacks you gain double the damage mitigation and 20% CCR. This effect lasts for 10s.


  • Fals Blessing stacks can only be built while the second buff is inactive.
  • Provides up to 6% damage mitigation at max stacks which turns to 12% damage mitigation.