Smite Wiki
Winter Holiday Chest
TreasureRoll Toybox
Cost: 400 Gems
Cost: {{{costfavor}}} Favor
Cost: {{{costhonor}}} NewUI Clan Honor
Release Date: November 23, 2014

The Winter Holiday Chest was one of the treasure chests in SMITE. This chest has been replaced with the Winter Wonderland Chest on SMITE Version 6.12.5745.1.

Description[ | ]

Every purchase of the Holiday chest contributes $1 to the Child's Play Charity. Each Holiday Chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed or an exclusive seasonal holiday skin or an exclusive seasonal holiday ward/jump stamp/frame/music theme.

Content[ | ]

Ice Queen Aphrodite Winter's Curse Cu Chulainn Plushie Khepri Playmaker Ne Zha Child's Play Scylla Nutcromancer Ah Puch Slay Bells Chiron Snow Day Scylla Ice Mage Agni Nice and Naughty Nu Wa Snowman Geb Festive Ratatoskr Father Chrishmash Bacchus Jingle Hel Hel Season's Spirit Sylvanus Wreck the Halls Fenrir Winter Holidays Loading Frame Snowman Ward Skin Holiday Chest Bundle Winter Holiday Bundle

  • Holiday Chest Bundle:
Cutesy Snowman Jump Stamp "Cutesy Snowman" Jump Stamp
Winter Holiday Music Theme "Winter Holiday" Music Theme
  • Winter Holiday Bundle:
Winter Holiday Level-Up Skin "Winter Holiday" Level-Up Skin
Winter Holiday Global Emote "Winter Holiday" Global Emote
