Every river must have its beginning, and that beginning is Yemoja. The Goddess of the Ogun River is mother to the Yoruba pantheon, and from her floodwaters sprang the first mortals. She is the mistress of all rivers and the eternal guardian of the ancient mysteries of life itself. Fishermen and sailors seek her blessings, for she is the protector of all who travel on water. Mothers-to-be ask for her aid, for she is the patron spirit of women and governs everything pertaining to the feminine – especially childbirth. After all, who better than the mother of all life to oversee its continuation?
As such, she considers herself the caretaker of all that lives. She cares deeply for all of her children, be they mortal or god, comforting them and cleansing them of their sorrows. At Yemoja's blessed touch, wounds are healed and sickness is cured.
But even her kindness has its limits and should she be roused to anger, she becomes as violent and as destructive as the most turbulent of floodwaters. All who would dare stand against her are swept aside by her roaring fury. To challenge Yemoja is to challenge the river itself. But like the rivers, Yemoja has ever followed her own course.
She keeps to her spheres of influence and attends only those who seek out her blessings. Content in her solitude, she has maintained her distance from the affairs of the gods, for war does not interest her and she has power enough to suit her. But the advent of Olorun has changed things and even rivers must turn with the will of the heavens.
And now, as her children cry out for aid, the river rises and Yemoja rises with it.
Basic Attack -Yemoja Basic Attack
Fire a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit.
Notes: Projectile stops on the first target hit, and does not pass through walls. Yemoja basic attacks can hit allies with an increased radius, applying Omi Healing.
Ally Radius: 0.8m
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength or Inhand Power and 20% Intelligence
Yemoja uses Omi to cast spells instead of Mana. Starting with 7, earning up to 10 Yemoja's water based attacks and abilities can hit allies, providing them a Heal for 1 + 0.2 per Level every 0.5s for 6s.
Notes: Additional Omi is gained at levels 5, 10 and 15. Cooldown Reduction increase Omi regeneration.
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1st Ability -Bouncing Bubble
Yemoja tosses a bubble that bounces twice, dealing 55 [30% Intelligence] Magical Damage and Slows enemies before exploding into smaller bubbles. Small bubbles deal 27.5 [15% Intelligence] Magical Damage.
Notes: Enemies take reduced damage if hit by both large bubbles. All Allies hit will also gain Omi Healing. This ability changes to Moonstrike when used.
Cost: 2 Omi
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Range: 5.6 meters
Radius: 2.24 meters
Small Bubble Radius: 1 meter
Damage: 55/90/125/160/195
Damage Scaling: 30% Intelligence
Small Bubble Damage: 27.5/45/62.5/80/97.5
Small Bubble Damage Scaling: 15% Intelligence
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 1 seconds
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Alt. 1st Ability -Moonstrike
Yemoja lets the moon strike multiple times at a location, dealing 40 [20% Intelligence] Magical Damage before a final strike dealing 65 [40% Intelligence] Magical Damage and Stunning enemies for 1s. Allies in the final strike have their Omi Healing replaced with a buff providing increased Attack Speed and Basic Attack Damage.
Notes: Enemy structures hit by the final strike are stunned for 2s. This ability changes to Bouncing Bubble when used.
Cost: 2 Omi
Radius: 1.6. meters
Final Radius: 2.4 meters
Range: 10.4 meters
Final Damage: 65/105/145/185/225
Final Damage Scaling: 40% Intelligence
Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
Damage Scaling: 20% Intelligence
Attack Speed: 30%
Basic Attack Damage: 20/25/30/35/40
Buff Duration: 4 seconds
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2nd Ability -Mending Waters
Yemoja fires a water wave, dealing 65 [40% Intelligence] Magical Damage to enemies. This wave stops and bounces between allied gods, Healing then them for 20 Bonus Health and providing them a 30 [2% MaxHealth] Health Shield. This ability also does bonus damage to enemy Health Shields.
Notes: Projectile stops on walls or first allied gods. Allies hit will also gain Omi Healing.
Cost: 3 Omi
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Range: 9.6 meters
Radius: 1.12 meters
Damage: 65/95/125/155/180
Heal: 20/40/60/80/100
Shield Health: 30/55/80/105/130
Shield Health Scaling: 2% Max Health
Bonus Damage to Shields: 2/2/2/2/3x
Protection Reduced: -4/-5/-6/-7/-8
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3rd Ability -Riptide
Create a water ring that Knocks Back anyone entering it. Allies travel further and gain Movement Speed and Protections for 3s. Enemies are Slowed for 2s. Placing the ring at the maximum distance reverses its direction.
Notes: Allies that use the ring also gain Omi Healing.
Cost: 3 Omi
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Range: 9.6 meters
Radius: 2.24 meters
Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
Protections: 20/25/30/35/40
Slow: 10%
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Ultimate -River's Rebuke
Yemoja conjures two large walls of water that block enemy movement and projectiles. After a delay they crash down, dealing 250 [70% Intelligence] Magical Damage, Trembling and Slowing enemies hit. Allies impacted by the crashing waves gain Omi Healing and Moonstrike's buff. You gain a buff of increased Omi over time using this ability.
Notes: Enemies are slowed by 60%, decreasing to normal over 2s. Yemoja gains half of her missing Omi immediately but the duration of regeneration buff is decreased based on the amount restored.